DAT is a software tailored for Risk Assessments in Tunnelling. The methodology is based on Probabilistic Monte Carlo Simulations.
Starting from the Geological and Construction related Uncertainties, DAT computes the probabilistic distributions of the resulting :
These results allow realistic Risk assessments and Probabilistic Comparizons of Variants.
The DAT can be used in all phases of a Tunnelling project :
and by all participants :
The input, with the related uncertainties, is obtained in collaboration with the project Geologists and Engineers.
The DAT have been developed by Herbert Einstein and his team at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA), by Jean-Paul Dudt et al. at EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland), and by Claude Indermitte (both MIT and EPFL).
Significant improvements to the DAT were implemented in the course of the NeTTUN project, which was funded by the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration under Grant Agreement 280712.